Persecution, Solidarity, and the Tai Ji Men Case
Slander and the manipulation of the tax system are frequent tools used to persecute religious and spiritual groups. They need our solidarity.
A Christmas Tale of Tai Ji Men
Dickens’ A Christmas Carol tells us that miracles happen when we turn to conscience. A miracle of solidarity happened in the Tai Ji Men case.
Press Conference in Taipei Highlights the Tai Ji Men Case
Taiwanese and international scholars, human rights activists, and local whistleblowers asked for a political solution of an issue damaging the international image of Taiwan.
After 25 Years: Solidarity with Tai Ji Men
The nightmare started on December 19, 1996. Solidarity with Tai Ji Men is now a global phenomenon.
A Letter to President Tsai on the Tai Ji Men Case
25 scholars and human rights activists from all over the world write to Taiwan’s President urging a solution for a case that has lasted for 25 years.
Corruptio Optimi Pessima and the Tai Ji Men Case
“The corruption of the best is the worst of all corruptions.” When those called to serve instead oppress citizens, disaster follows.
Is Corruption a Violation of Human Rights? Implications for the Tai Ji Men Case
United Nations’ documents are increasingly treating corruption as a human rights issue. This directly impacts the case of Tai Ji Men.
Human Rights, Corruption, and the Tai Ji Men Case Discussed in Washington DC
An international forum for human rights denounced corruption as a violation of human rights, as epitomized by what happened to Tai Ji Men in Taiwan.
A Philosophy of Taxes and the Tai Ji Men Case
Taxes are a typical feature of the state. When the state excessively expands its activities, problems occur, as the Tai Ji Men case demonstrates.
Calling for a Solution of the Tai Ji Men Case
We join Tai Ji Men in respectfully asking the government of Taiwan, whose commitment to democracy in a region plagued by non-democratic regimes we appreciate and applaud, to return through a political act the confiscated sacred land to Tai Ji Men and publicly confirm that, as Taiwan’s Supreme Court stated, they never violated the law nor evaded taxes.
It would be a small step for Taiwan’s government, but a crucial one to tell the world Taiwan is truly committed to freedom of religion or belief and to the protection of religious and spiritual minorities that were once persecuted by its authoritarian and post-authoritarian regimes.
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a chronology
“The Tai Ji Men Case” web site is a project by Action Alliance to Redress 1219 whose aim is to collect and put at the readers’ easy disposal articles, documents, and videos—from academic studies to magazine articles—about the case of Tai Ji Men, a mempai (similar to a school) of qigong, martial arts, and self-cultivation headquartered in Taiwan, which has been victim of discrimination and persecution in its home country since 1996, and whose street protests have generated widespread international protests. Here you can find an exhaustive chronology of the case.
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